India’s Prime Minister-Modi was found at a stall asking for Chai and Samosa. The man at stall greeted Modi and gave him a chair to sit and then asked him. Sir, will you take Green Chatni or the Red one. And being a Gujrati Modi likes things to be a bit sweet. So, he ordered Red Chatni.
Media, Congress and opposition created a hue and cry over the matter.
Digvijay Singh: I told you this guy is communal. He refused GREEN CHATNI.
Barkha Datt: He loves the color of Blood thats why he ordered Red Chatni.
AAP: We will protest against it by wearing skull caps and will paint our face green.
Mamta Benerjee: The whole of W.B. will drink and eat 1l Green Chatni every day. It is the cheep source of rich protein.
Owaisi: Modi wants to turn everything saffron. We won’t let him do that.
Aamir Khan: We are scared to order Green Chatni in India and will go to a different country to order green chatni.
Meanwhile the samosa vendor asked Modi, what is this shout all about? What for people have created hue and cry?
Modi: Tu Lal chatni de naa bhaai, inkaa roz kaa hai.
Media, Congress and opposition created a hue and cry over the matter.
Digvijay Singh: I told you this guy is communal. He refused GREEN CHATNI.
Barkha Datt: He loves the color of Blood thats why he ordered Red Chatni.
AAP: We will protest against it by wearing skull caps and will paint our face green.
Mamta Benerjee: The whole of W.B. will drink and eat 1l Green Chatni every day. It is the cheep source of rich protein.
Owaisi: Modi wants to turn everything saffron. We won’t let him do that.
Aamir Khan: We are scared to order Green Chatni in India and will go to a different country to order green chatni.
Meanwhile the samosa vendor asked Modi, what is this shout all about? What for people have created hue and cry?
Modi: Tu Lal chatni de naa bhaai, inkaa roz kaa hai.